The heart of the America 250 NC commemoration lies within the county committees. These committees are dedicated to planning and organizing events, projects, and initiatives at the county level. They serve as the local conduit to the statewide commemorative programming, amplifying the rich history of our state and local communities. They also seek to foster participation of a wide variety of local organizations and groups to participate in creating America 250 NC events and resources.
We encourage county committees to contain membership spanning diverse perspectives and skills. Inclusion of members from a variety of sectors, including government, cultural heritage institutions, regional American Indian tribes, non-profits, tourism agencies, civic organizations, and community groups ensures that your America 250 NC events will reach the widest variety of audiences. The DNCR America 250 NC team welcomes the opportunity to consult with your committee on organization issues and programming suggestions. Please contact us at:
We ask that each county have only one official committee and that they gather a cross-section of the community to serve. A committee may be officially recognized as the central county body coordinating the local America 250 NC commemoration activities through a resolution passed by the county commissioners. A simple resolution on county letterhead noting the creation of the committee and its alignment with the statewide America 250 NC mission can serve as the official designation for the group. Official county committees should also complete the contact form that includes membership information, as well as a designated contact person to be a liaison with the statewide America 250 NC leadership.
By becoming a partner, you will have the opportunity to contribute your ideas, skills, and enthusiasm to create memorable experiences that showcase the unique heritage of your county. Does your community already have a county committee established? Check the status of your county or find your local contact information by scrolling your mouse over the map below.
How to Form a Committee: Step-by Step Guide
Check the map above to determine if your county already has an established committee.
We would love to meet with your initial group to review and help with the conceptualization of the committee. We can also meet with your committee and county leadership as requested. Email us
To every extent possible, we recommend the local committee include representatives from:
1. Museums & Historic Sites
2. Local Libraries & Archives
3. Tribal Representatives
4. Local History and Cultural Groups – DAR, SAR, etc.
5. Education – primary through college level where possible
6. Military Veterans/Veterans Organizations – VFW, DAV, etc.
7. Tourism – local attractions, lodging, & restaurants
8. Economic Development – Chamber of Commerce
9. Local Governing Body – Mayor, Commissioners, Planners, etc.
Start with Historic & Heritage Groups in Your Community: As we are asking for one group per county, it is essential that the County 250 Committee has representatives from local historic and cultural organizations.
Be Intentionally Inclusive: The first step to ensuring that all stories are told is to be intentionally broad when forming a county committee. We want to be sure all stories, including those that may have been left out of previous commemorations, such as African Americans, American Indians, women, children, and Loyalists, are shared during the 250th. Remember, sections of your community that are often not included in narratives around the American Revolution, such as our Asian, Hispanic, Jewish, Latin, LGBTQ+, Muslim, Pacific Islander, Puerto Rican, and South Asian communities. We want everyone to be able to see themselves in this commemoration. For more inspiration, see our When Are We US? Commemorative theme.
Diversify Skill Sets: Gather your historians, but also find people with other skills, such as marketing, business, community advocates, artists, local media, tourism, elected officials, influencers, celebrities, and more.
Remember your Rural Community Members: Don’t forget to invite members from all areas in your county, including your county's rural sections, to participate in the county committee.
We are suggesting [County Name] County 250 Committee.
Have your county’s governing body pass an official resolution designating the committee. For example, this could be your county’s city or town seat council, county manager, county planner, etc., depending on how your county operates. A signed resolution will be required when applying for America 250 NC County Committee grants.
Complete the Contact Form to register your committee and email a signed copy of the resolution on county letterhead to
Note - only one committee will be approved per county. There will need to be one contact person on your committee for the America 250 NC team to communicate with directly. This contact will be listed on our website along with their email address, and they need to be prepared to act as a liaison between America 250 NC, your committee, and possibly your community.